What’s “BRUE”-ing? Approaching a Pediatric Phenomenon

What’s “BRUE”-ing? Approaching a Pediatric Phenomenon. By Jaren Jarrell You’re 8 hours into your 24-hour shift. It’s been a grueling day and you have hit your critical thinking max. There it is…the tones drop once again! “EMS base, truck 12 respond to a 3-month-old male, reference patient not breathing.” The initial anxiety of a pediatric […]
Assessment of a Critically Ill Child

So, as you all know we have had the opportunity to have Dr. Peter Antevy join us a couple of times and talk about pediatrics. When it comes to kids let’s face it, we all tend to get scared, our nerves shoot through the roof and it becomes the most stressful call of our career. […]
Calculating Pediatric Maintenance Fluids (4:2:1 Rule)

Pediatrics, calculations, fluids, maintenance, hypotonic, isotonic?!?! These words bring on a new type of stress. This stress usually appears while you are handing over $300 and sitting down for your FP-C® Recertification Course | 100 Hour or CFRN board exam. Planning to take one of these certification tests? I can guarantee that you will have […]