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A Tale of Two Flight Paramedics

I’d like to tell you a story of two Flight Paramedics who recently re-certified their FP-C. The story will revolve around two FP-C. Flight Paramedic one..who we will call FP1 and Flight Paramedic two…who we will call FP2.

Here is what you need to re-cert your FP-C in a nutshell:

  • Retake the written certification examination OR Complete the required continuing education (CE) credits. I have not yet met a FP-C that opted to take the exam again.
  • Maintain current FP-C certification
  • Maintain current, unrestricted paramedic license in the state or country of practice (Any restriction(s) must be reported to the IBSC)
  • Complete and submit 100 approved continuing education (CE) credits.
    • 16 CLINICAL hours obtained by completing an approved FP-C review class Approved Review Course List
    • 75 hours of education in the clinical category
    • 25 hours of education in the operations/other categories
  • Pay the required recertification fees

FP1 receives an email from the company Clinical Nurse Educator (CNE) who has the login instructions for the 16 hour approved FP-C review course the company purchased. FP1 logs in and starts watching videos. During the next four years, FP1 takes a variety of classes. After each class, FP1 printed certificates and logs the information on the IBSC site. At the four-month mark, FP1 submits all necessary education documentation and writes a check for the recertification fees. A few months later, a certificate arrives in the mail. No stress. No drama. FP1 takes a “CE Vacation” for the next 6 months.

FP2 on the other hand….waits until day 1,400 to start the renewal process. Spends half a shift trying to find said email from CNE. FP2 can’t find it, contacts company directly looking for login information. FP2 downloads app on phone to {binge}“watch” approved review course. Next shift, FP2 tries to find certificates from previous nearly four years of education. FP2 struggles to find login information for the IBSC site…must be on a Post-It somewhere…finally gets it figured out. Now the deciduous process of scanning, saving, uploading, entering 84+ hours of con-ed into the IBSC site. This process takes multiple shifts to complete due to flights, other education, and duties. FP2 is stressed and overwhelmed trying to complete the recertification process. FP2 finally gets all requirements turned in on the very last day and vows to not wait until the last min again.

Renewing your Flight Paramedic Certification can be EASY…as long as you don’t procrastinate! Truth be told, I am FP2. My husband Drew is FP1. What is ironic is I’m the “organized” one and he is not. I fall victim to the four-year deadline and think “I’ll do it later”…but later never comes. I’m feeling good about my next recertification….I’m 100% certain I will not wait until the last minute to complete it…Thanks to IA MED!!

Drew and I both agree, that you should not wait until the last minute to recertify!

On your next shift, go and organize your con-ed and start the renewal process early!



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